Friday, May 9, 2014

What is the meaning behind the "True Love Litter"?

true·love  [troo-luhv]
1. a sweetheart; a truly loving or loved person

Our litter is an "arranged marriage" of sorts, so I cannot say for sure if Spenser and Zene are truly "sweethearts" - but one can only hope!  This particular pregnancy will be done via artificial insemination so the parents will not officially meet (in-person), but I have no doubt the resulting pups will be well-loved!

Regardless, all our litters have themes; and for this litter, I am highlighting the word "true" which will be incorporated into the AKC Names.  Might be a good time to refresh yourself on the meaning of true (#4 is my favorite): 

true  [troo]  
1. being in accordance with the actual state or conditions; conforming to reality or fact; not false: a true story.
2. real; genuine; authentic: true gold; true feelings.
3. sincere; not deceitful: a true interest in someone's welfare.
4. firm in allegiance; loyal; faithful; steadfast: a true friend.

So what does this all mean?   Each pup in the litter will have an AKC Registered name which *must* include the word "true".   Their "call name" can be anything but often the name tie's back to the AKC Registered Name.  Example:  "Zene" is CH Moonlight's Rock'n Ow't JH, she came from the Rockstar litter and the AKC Name had to have "rock" in it, her call name means "music" in Hungarian.  Make sense?

Here are some examples of names that can be used (submissions welcome):  

Moonlight's True Love
Moonlight's Come True
Moonlight's Dream Come True
Moonlight's True Colors
Moonlight's Hold True
Moonlight's Tried and True
Moonlight's True to Form
Moonlight's To Good To Be True
Moonlight's True-Blue
Moonlight's True Meaning
Moonlight's Say It's Not True
Moonlight's Say It Isn't True
Moonlight's One True Thing
Moonlight's A True Friend