Sunday, November 2, 2014

ATTN: Dog Owners --- Stop Being a Circus Animal

ATTN:  Dog Owners -- Stop being a circus animal.  Be a leader, a teacher, a "parent" to your dog instead of making excuses for the "tricks" they teach you to do.  Stop saying, "my dog doesn't like" or "my dog can't."  As a breeder (and dog owner) this is my #1 PET PEEVE.  Dogs are Great People Trainers:

Dogs are such good teachers, and can train people to do the most bizarre things. And in turn, people make up the most bizarre reasons for what their dogs have trained them to do.  
I've heard of dogs that can't travel in the car, or lie flat, or have their feet wiped, or wear a certain piece of equipment (or costume), or who doesn't like their people hugging .... the list goes on.  
Usually our reasons all exist because our dog's have trained us well. They have taught us that they will not cooperate if ______ is present. But really, this has nothing to do with that particular moment. It has to do with our dogs not being willing to take our suggestions. In other words, they are disrespectful. Or probably more to the point, your dog won't take your suggestion because you are not worthy of being respected. This all starts with you. 
You must be willing to change in order to get a dog that cares what you think. If you don't follow through, all of your wishes and dreams about having a happy, cooperative dog are for nought. They will not be happy and cooperative if you are not willing to change, and become worthy of being respected. 
Here is a funny video, that will prove my point! 

Monique Anstee
The Naughty Dogge